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Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008

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Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008

The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 was enacted by the Parliament of India to introduce and legally sanction the concept of LLP in India. Unlike the general partnerships in India, LLP is a body corporate and legal entity separate from its partners, has Perpetual succession and any change in the partners of an LLP shall not affect the existence, rights, or liabilities of the LLP.[1]

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The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 was enacted by the Parliament of India to introduce and legally sanction the concept of LLP in India. Unlike the general partnerships in India, LLP is a body corporate and legal entity separate from its partners, have Perpetual succession and any change in the partners of a LLP shall not affect the existence, rights or liabilities of the LLP.[1]

What are the advantages of an LLP?

Advantages of forming an LLP are  organized, operates based on an agreement, offers flexibility without imposing detailed legal and procedural requirements, easy to form, offers limited liability to all partners, has a flexible capital structure and easy to dissolve.



The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 to introduce and legally sanction the concept of LLP in India. Unlike the general partnerships in India, LLP is a body corporate and legal entity separate from its partners, has Perpetual succession and any change in the partners of an LLP shall not affect the existence, rights, or liabilities of the LLP.[1]


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